
戴森中心项目鸟瞰图. 图片来源:Carlo de Jesus/bet亚洲365欢迎投注.

11月13日, 2023 — Referring to the new 戴森中心 as a game changer for Marist students and faculty would be an understatement. 计划于2024年秋季开放, 建造这个膨胀的110,000平方英尺的设施即将完全封闭, 包括安装其独特的窗户. It will serve as an innovative home for the 学校 of 管理 and 社会与行为科学, 除了主办就业服务中心.

As the building's exterior nears completion, excitement is mounting for what awaits inside. 新 戴森中心 will feature state-of-the-art spaces that will support students' varied needs and facilitate learning in the “classroom of tomorrow.” From entrepreneurship labs and a mock courtroom to collaborative project zones and meeting areas, 这座新大楼将热闹非凡.

中心中庭还将设有校园内所有人都可以进入的公共区域, 包括咖啡厅和休息室.



管理学院 计划在中庭引入学生经营的企业, 给他们真实的创业经验. 除了, the school will launch a new entrepreneurship lab and a marketing lab to support specialized instructional approaches in each discipline. 学生们期待着使用许多新设施. 管理学院的新空间将包括一个创业实验室, 市场营销实验室, 以及新的投资中心.

戴森中心建设. 图片来源:Carlo de Jesus/bet亚洲365欢迎投注.


华尔街风格的交易大厅: “最让我兴奋的是新的投资中心交易大厅, 哪一个项目将提供一个绝佳的投资实践机会,25岁的莱拉·基恩说, 商科专业,主修金融. "It will also be a perfect spot for studying with classmates and collaborating on projects. 当然,我迫不及待地想看看新咖啡馆提供什么."

新的投资中心将以现代化的股票显示为特色, 扩大座位, 并保持对培养学生合作和互动的关注,” 布莱恩•豪伊, Associate Professor of Finance and Director of the Investment Center, in Hancock Center. "的 current facility has played a pivotal role in the development of the highly successful finance program enjoyed by both our students and alumni at Marist."


现代市场营销实验室: I'm most excited about the new marketing lab and the space for 管理学院 clubs to connect,Lana Tomchuk分享道, 26年工商管理专业,主修市场营销. "[51] Fulton felt somewhat distant, so I'm looking forward to the on-campus business hub. 我认为这个新空间将促进Marist SOM学生之间更紧密的联系, 使我们能够在课堂之外与志同道合的同龄人合作. 营销实验室, 特别是, provides hands-on learning with real-world technology for enhancing marketing strategies."

“营销实验室起到了桥梁的作用, 将理论知识与实际应用无缝连接, 为学生提供在现实世界中应用所学知识的机会,” Dr. 穆罕默德·库兰克·贝赫什蒂市场营销助理教授. “在这个创新的空间里, 学生可以接触到先进的技术, 在学术研究的同时培养实践经验."

激发创新的空间: “的 future belongs to the innovators and the new Entrepreneurship Lab in Dyson will provide a place where innovators can collaborate to create that future,” Dr. 大卫·加文,管理学副教授. “新 multi-use space is designed for classes, workshops, guest speakers, and limitless ideation. 在这里,梦想将被捕捉并变成现实. 在bet亚洲365欢迎投注学习企业家精神是多么令人兴奋的时刻.”

查看更多 新的戴森中心将如何影响管理学院.

戴森中心内正在建设的中庭. 图片来源:Justin Butwell/bet亚洲365欢迎投注.


社会与行为科学学院 是否会拥有重要的资源,以显著提高校园体验. 例如, the psychology department will have three dedicated lab areas covering developmental psychology, 社会心理学, 和认知 & 生物心理学各设有研究助理室. 另外, 教师教育计划将受益于课堂教学方法, 课程资源室, 以及所有程序共享的创客空间. 的 maker space will allow teacher education students to modify instructional materials for students with special needs as well as design experiential learning lessons for their P-12 students.

模拟法庭, 为刑事司法专业的学生量身定制, accommodates moot court debates and enables social work students to role-play 家庭 court scenarios. 也, a dedicated emergency management and simulation area on the third floor will feature advanced technology for exploring cyber安全, 炸弹威胁, 私人安保业务. 另外, the fourth floor will host a clinical suite for training clinical mental health graduate and undergraduate social work students in therapeutic skills, 包括个人, 家庭, 还有团体治疗, with access extended to graduate students in the school psychology program for comprehensive intellectual 评估s.


专业临床套房: “在我们新设计的临床套房里, 我们将为个人和团体咨询提供专门的区域, 评估, 还有一个等候室, 营造一个现实和实际的环境,“解释 Patrick O ' donnell副教授兼学校心理学项目主任. “这是在标准教室进行这些活动的重大转变. 现在, students in the School Psychology and Clinical Mental Health Counseling programs can refine their skills in a specialized environment that simulates a professional setting."

模拟法庭及紧急演习: “我们新设立的模拟法庭, 为辩护和案例论证量身定制, will offer students a dynamic space to hone their legal skills and bridge theory to practice,” Dr. 弗兰克Merenda,副教授兼刑事司法主席. ”与此同时, the Emergency 管理 Simulation and Research Lab will serve as a distinctive resource for students aspiring to careers in emergency management, 安全, 公共卫生, 以及相关领域. It provides immersive experiences in real-time critical incidents and role-play scenarios."

“能够使用模拟法庭和应急管理实验室,我感到非常兴奋,26岁的佩吉·戴克曼说, 刑事司法专业. “This will be a wonderful learning opportunity to be exposed to prior to a career in law enforcement.”

"As a criminal justice and psychology double major with a future interest in crisis response and protection I am insanely excited to see the opportunities that the Emergency 管理 Lab will bring to the programs,26岁的莉莉·奇科斯基说. "I have no doubt that the hands-on experience we will get between the new lab and the mock court room will help me get steps closer towards my long-term career goals."

“的 construction of Dyson excites me so much since it will serve learners and educators in many ways that will enhance our curriculum and future goals,26岁的香农·威利斯说, 刑事司法专业. “更灵活的学习环境, 集团项目, 讨论, 而其他活动则可以创造出更有活力、更有趣的体验. I'm happy to have a place where students and I can begin preparing for success in the future.”

戴森中心内未来的150个座位的演讲厅. 图片来源:Justin Butwell/bet亚洲365欢迎投注.

戴森中心为玛丽斯特学院提供了先进的工具, setting a new standard for education by offering cutting-edge facilities and interactive touch screen classrooms for more engaging teaching. 150个座位的演讲厅也为两所学院提供了足够的空间来接待嘉宾演讲, 社区活动, 有吸引力的对话.

了解更多 它对社会和行为科学学院的影响.

图片来源:Nelson Echeverria/bet亚洲365欢迎投注.


职业准备是圣母教育的一个标志, 95%的毕业生在毕业后六个月内就业或进入研究生院. 的 就业服务中心 will use the new space to further advance students’ professional training and host career and internship fairs, 网络事件, 同侪辅导课程, 校友/雇主小组讨论, 和更多的.

“I’m truly looking forward to the new 戴森中心 because it will assist the 就业服务中心 with providing more programs, 校园活动和雇主面试,德斯蒙德·默里说, bet亚洲365欢迎投注大学雇主体验部副主任. “一旦新的戴森中心建成, 我们将为学生提供更多的雇主信息, 更多的校园雇主面试, 为学生举办校友雇主活动, 等.”

Rendering of the future 就业服务中心 in the 戴森中心, courtesy of Annum.

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